Alex's Answer

Feeling really guilty

Your Question

i feel really guilty after watching porn. also is that illegal and will i get in trouble?


Hi there, you are very welcome to Ask Alex.   
Thank you for contacting us. We understand that it’s not always easy to share how we’re feeling or what’s going on for us, but we also know how important it is to talk about it.  Reaching out to Ask Alex is a huge step forward in seeking help.
We can see this is bothering you a lot. Feeling guilty is a normal emotion that everyone experiences when they think they’ve done something wrong. If you feel guilty about it and don’t want to do it again, it is okay to forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, and what matters is learning from them and trying to do better next time. 
Some images you may see on porn sites might not be appropriate for young people.  In Ireland, the only laws around pornography are related to consent. You have to be 17 years old in Ireland to give sexual consent. Porn involving any participants under that age is illegal (Jigsaw 2024). You should not get into trouble legally for watching porn. However, we would advise avoiding these types of websites if you do not feel good after accessing them. 
For more information on these websites, you can visit Jigsaw’s article on Porn and Mental Health
You can always reach out to Childline too, if you feel you would like to talk through things a little more. Chat with us through our webchat service by clicking on the purple Messenger circle at Or our free phone service is 1800 66 66 66. 
We hope that some of the above information is of use to you. Please keep reaching out and know that there are supports out there that can help you. 
Take care of yourself ,

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