Alex's Answer

Getting a diagnosis without parents

Your Question

How do I get a diagnosis without telling parents? ( UNDER 14 )


Hi there, and welcome to Ask Alex.
Thank you so much for sharing with us about what is going on for you. You mentioned that you might need a diagnosis and are seeking to get support around this without letting your parents know.
First of all, it’s great that you want to take care of your health. To get a diagnosis, the first step is to visit your GP. The GP will talk to you about how you’re feeling and may need to know more about your symptoms, like when they started and how they’ve been affecting you.
Usually, if you’re under 14, GPs prefer to involve your parents in your care. This is because they want to make sure you get the best support. However, doctors also want to help you feel safe and comfortable, so if there’s something private you need to talk about, they can keep that in mind.
If you’re worried about talking to your parents or just need advice, do you have a trusted adult you could speak to? They can help you figure out the best way to get the care you need. Here is a Childline article providing guidance about how to ask for help that might be useful:
Remember, seeking help is a positive and brave step. If you have any more questions related to this or anything else, we want to reassure you that we are always here if you need to talk. Our free phone service number is 1800 66 66 66. You can also chat with us through our webchat service by clicking on the purple Messenger circle at Our team is available 24/7/365 for confidential, non-judgmental support for any reason.
Take care of yourself and we hope you found the above helpful.

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