Alex's Answer

Hits me and curses at me

Your Question

Why does my dad hit me and curse at me every second of the day?


Hi there, and welcome to Ask Alex.
Thank you so much for getting in touch about what is going on for you. You have been so brave in reaching out and opening up about what is happening for you at home.
You mentioned that your dad hits and curses at you every day. We are very concerned to hear this. No one has the right to hurt you, physically or emotionally. What you are experiencing is a form of abuse, and it is illegal in Ireland. In Ireland, Túsla, the Child and Family Agency, is dedicated to ensuring all young people live in a safe environment. Social workers at Túsla can provide support for you and your family. However, you may need the help of a trusted adult to access their services.
It is important that you speak to someone you trust who can help you with your situation at home. Do you have another family member you feel comfortable talking to, or perhaps a teacher? It is the responsibility of the adults in your life to ensure that you are living in a safe home, without the fear of  violence and abuse. This article may be helpful for you in understanding what abuse is:
At Childline, we are focused on you and what is important to you. You can contact our 24-hour listening service through our free phone number: 1800 66 66 66. Alternatively, you can chat with us through our webchat service by clicking on the purple Messenger circle at Your conversations with us are confidential and safe; we do not use caller ID or IP addresses, so your contact is anonymous.
Take care of yourself, and please reach out for support soon,

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