Alex's Answer

I found out my mum is cheating on my dad

Your Question

Found out my mum has been cheating on My dad with a female colleague of hers mum has told me not to tell dad or it will be my fault. IS IT MY FAULLT


Hi there, 

Welcome to Ask Alex, and thank you so much for getting in touch with us with what is going on for you. It sounds like you are going through a very tough time at the moment, and it can feel like you are holding a very big weight of a secret having found out that your mum is cheating on your dad. It is so important that you know that this is not your fault. Adult relationships can get complicated and hard to understand, and it is never the fault of someone outside of the couple for cheating to happen. 

 It is important to talk to someone you trust about what’s going on. This could be another family member, a sport coach, or a family friend. They can help you figure out what to do next and provide you with support along the way.  

We have some articles that may be helpful for you on our website: ; . 

This is very difficult and there is a lot to think about, remember that you’re not alone and there are people who can help you through this tough time.  Childline are always here to listen 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to all young people who feel they need someone to talk to. You can always reach out by phone or online chat at any time, and a member of the Childline team will be there to listen in a safe and non-judgemental space, just for you. You can contact through our freephone service by calling 1800 66 66 66 or by web chat that you access through the website â€“ you can start a chat by clicking on the purple messenger button on your screen.  

We hope this answer is helpful to you, and please feel free to get in touch again anytime.  

Take Care,  


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